The Hon Tsai Tai will likely substitute for turnip tops in a pasta sauce.

The green beans will end up steamed or sautéed with a sauce of some sort. There's not a lot else to do with them and not much reason to as they're yummy just like that. Also, while looking over recipes on-line, I've been intrigued by the term "bacon-smothered" which keeps turning up with sautéed green beans.
Romaine lettuce and grape tomatoes are unlikely to end up anywhere other than salad, of course.

The avocado I'll use in another of those California cuisine recipes, probably. I'm strongly considering a thick slice on a roasted chicken sandwich; Despite living in California for five years I don't think I've ever actually had one of those.
Finally, the oranges I've already juiced along with all the other oranges, tangerines and such I had leftover from previous weeks. I found adding a carambola adds a very nice extra note as does a drop of vanilla. Unfortunately, juicing is thirsty work so I don't have much left to show for my efforts.
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