The dill gave me an excuse to throw out the dill from a few weeks ago but I have as little to do with this as I did with that. I'm just insufficiently fond of the flavor.
The lettuce, along with the leftovers from last week's romaine is

The pepper I think I'll stuff. I have an interesting idea for a Moroccan-flavored stuffing that should work nicely.
Some of the scallions I'd like to use in the spice-crusted beef recipe I mentioned a few days ago. I might

That leaves the canistel and the sapote. One of those is going to some ice cream. The mamey sapote ice cream I made before didn't turn out fabulously because I treated it like a banana, but it didn't have the unusual chemical properties bananas have that substitute for fat. I'll have to treat it more like a standard fruit ice cream and make a compote to add to a vanilla base. I have the feeling I'm going to be waiting a while, though. Can any of you tell me how long these things take to ripen?
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