I recently joined the local Slow Food chapter and the local Community Supported Agriculture farm subscription service which delivers a box of random vegetables each week. That box to the left is actually twice what I'll get each week, but you get the idea. Since this is Miami, they've warned that there's usually something unusual (at least for the average American supermarket-dweller.)
The weekly deliveries haven't started yet, but they've done some summer specials so last week I ended up with garlic chives, lemon grass, quinces and half of a squash of some sort. Also, some honey and a whole tilapia. That was the first time I ever scaled and gutted a fish. Easier than I expected, but then everyone says it's pretty easy so I don't know where I got the impression that it wasn't. So the garlic chives got stuffed into the fish, the lemon grass flavored a Vietnamese drunken shrimp recipe, and the squash got stuffed with ground turkey and baked which gave me a chance to use the Gateway to the North seasoning from Spice House which has maple syrup crystals in it. (The leftovers I mashed which I think I'll make croquettes out of.) The quinces: I still haven't a clue.
My point is that it'll be a challenge each week to figure out what to do with whatever arrives before it rots. And you get to watch.
I'll also post reviews of the various Slow Food stuff I do. There's usually a dinner or event every month or two.
That should alleviate the tedium of an all-ice-cream posting schedule.
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