I used the traditional cooking method of blanching then sautéing, but it really didn't help much. Maybe a longer boil would draw out more of the bitterness? I found the water afterward to be flavored quite nicely, actually, and used it to cook the pasta.
The recipe in the newsletter that uses the greens raw is definitely contraindicated. Save that for when we get some chard.
I'm not saying to throw the dandelion greens out; just use them judiciously, balancing the bitterness with other strong flavors. I used a handful along with some of the bok choy in a yakisoba last night where a touch of bitterness was a pleasant element. I can't see them staying fresh long enough to use up a whole batch this way, but at least you'll get some good use out of them.
What a bummer to make a dish that is not edible because of one ingredient. I think I'm glad we don't get those.
Wha? Bummer. The photo looked so good Bill.
OK, I don't feel so badly now. Also, I'm not really trying to be all that anonymous. I need to change that picture though. It makes me look like I've just eaten dandelion greens.
Thanks for the warning! I hadn't tasted them, but gave a few leaves to the rabbits, who wouldn't touch them and didn't even dig underneath for other herbs ... I wondered why, since they're usually a favorite.
Try the pasta recipe included in the CSA newsletter - it's delicious with a simple garlic/olive oil/anchovy sauce. Vitamix 2 cups of greens with 2 eggs and a bit of salt, into the kitchenaid with 1 1/2 cups of flour, roll it out and slice into tagliatelle. Easy and yummy.
I would have thought blending raw dandelion greens would bring out their worst, but I guess I'm wrong. How much of the greens' flavor comes through, bitter or otherwise, drlindak? I know spinach pasta doesn't taste very much of spinach; maybe using a strongly flavored green in pasta buffers it into palatability?
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