The breakfast radishes

The beets I'm torn on; They could end up pickled or roasted. I'm fond of the sweet pickled beets Kyra makes for the salads at Theine tea shop (which you ought to try if you haven't) and I've managed a fair simulation at home using a standard sweet pickle brine. It's about time for me to tweak the recipe for a second try at it, but if I end up roasting anything this week, the beets are liable to get tossed in alongside.
The green pepper is a utility player that may end up anywhere. The tomato I would say that about too, but I'm cooking for just me and since half a tomato doesn't store well, one that large pushes its way to the front of a dish. I'm thinking of pairing it with a tuna crudo dressed with lemon, olive oil, black pepper and a finishing salt. And maybe a bit of an herb or some capers.
The cila

And that just leaves lots and lots of leaves. I'm not entirely certain which greens are which. The purple one with the flowers must be the hon tsai tai and I'm fairly confident the one with the rounded leaves is arugula. But the one with the corrugated leaves I don't really know. I presume it's the broccoli raab, but it doesn't have the thickened asparagus-esque stems with the mini-broccoli buds that I'm familiar with (although, according t

My general strategy with greens, which you may have caught on to by now, is to saute' the greens, add a pork product and sometimes a shellfish and mix it into a starch. I've got a couple of ideas I haven't used yet along those lines, one French(ish), another Spanish(ish), that I'll show you as I make them. I'll have to give some thought to another strategy for these; If any of you folks have suggestions, do please share them.
One final thought: the newsletters mentioned that you should s

Beets? I didn't get beets! Were you a half or full share? (I have a full...) And what about those multi-color beans, they look very cool.
Full shares got beans; half shares got beets. First time this season that the half shares got anything the full shares didn't. I suppose it's a consolation prize for not getting any beans or eggplant. Not that I don't like beets but anything that doesn't come with greens would be a relief at this point.
The bean medley sounds cool; I'd like to see a picture if anyone would care to post one. The black and white newsletter photo doesn't do it justice.
Take a look at past newsletters (the archive is online at In them you'll find pictures of individual leaf shapes, and more complete descriptions of many of the items that we grow every year. We try not to repeat ourselves too much in the newsletters- but it would be nice to have an index to the veggie descriptions, pictures, and recipes. Anyone out there willing to undertake this labor of love??
I looked through the newsletters before I signed up for the CSA subscription so I know there's lots of good information in there, but you're right, margie, that an index would be helpful to make all that information accessible. If you can host a database, I'd be happy to look through the archive to figure out the categories of information we should be recording. Then volunteers could come by, pick a week, and enter in the data. The index would be created without much organization or any one person doing a whole lot of work.
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