Even more sadly, that liquid outer layer is nastily bitter. I understand that some varieties don't have that problem; this one has it in spades. I had to carefully
Still, a half cup is enough for ice cream if I bolster the fruit with supporting flavors.
The sapote pulp went into the blender with:
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup thick coconut milk
1/2 cup slightly-brown sugar
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 large pinch salt
1 Tablespoon agave nectar
The result is
The churning
The mix did get cold enough for a smooth texture even if I wasn't able to churn in much air. That just means it's got that super-premium density. It might freeze up kind of hard. Guess I'll find out tomorrow...
You can't really tell from the picture, but the texture turned out quite well--smooth, creamy and resistant to melting. All without a custard or cornstarch. That's interesting. I think the coconut milk is more important to this effect than the sapote, but I'll have to do a test to be sure. (What I ought to do is make batches of a simple vanilla Philadelphia-style ice cream substituting in increasing amounts of coconut milk for the dairy to see how it affects the texture. A shame I don't work at an agricultural college; I could get funding for that.) There are some unpleasant fibrous shards in there unfortunately. I must have missed a bit of seed when I was cleaning the fruit.
The flavor is more intense than it was in the unfrozen mix which is also unusual. Like I said earlier, there are notes of vanilla and lemon, but the fruit is in there too with a richer underlying flavor tying them together. There are malty notes and some banana in there. Maybe a bit of custard too, although I think the name custard apple comes more from the texture than the flavor. It's complex and it shifts over the course of a mouthful from round fruit flavors up front to more citrusy notes at the end. Really very nice; it went over quite well at the office. This is no particular surprise, though. Ice cream is a standard use for white sapote and lemon and vanilla common flavors to pair it with. New to me, though.
Its a shame there is so much waste to that fruit but it looks like the results were pretty good
You're post is from a while back but I'm going to try to make your recipe this weekend. I have a big white sopote tree in my yard and never know what to do with the fruit.
I've never had to deal with the bitter sliminess you mention but maybe that's because I usually eat them right off the tree.
Thanks for the post.
Yum! I'm going to try a variation of this but with more sapote :) Your sapote looks super ripe...it would be easier for you if there was access to less ripe ones so you could use the whole thing (and it's tastier).
When you pick it from the tree it's hard like an avocado (and terrible to eat). In my experience, it takes 1-3 weeks to ripen. Keeping them in the fridge puts that on hold. If only they were sold in the stores unripe.
What a marvelous recipe! I'd never encountered this fruit until yesterday when I stumbled upon a tree of these on a walk. Such a cute, creamy flavor!
Wish I had vanilla on hand, but I added lemon zest, used pink sea salt, and left out the milk and sugar- just coconut cream. Divided it up to try a few different swirl flavors, and hoping to share some with friends but more likely I will house the whole thing in one sitting! MMMMMMMM!
esta fruta tiene muchas vitaminas y beneficios si tiene bastante pulpa , yo la preparo en agua con jugo de naranja y ando buscando en que otras recetas se puede aprovechar, porque hasta sus hojas y semillas se usan para remedios naturales, se comen cuando estan bien maduros porque sino lo estan pues no es nada agradable el sabor.
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