The original idea here was to a) use the last of the CSA celery and b) make a new ice cream flavor since I hadn't in a while. Put those two together and you get, first, celery ice cream--which might work as a component in a savory dish--second, celery and peanut butter ice cream--a natural sweet pairing that is interesting but presents textural issues--and third, celery-infused peanut butter ice cream with raisins--an ice cream version of ants on a log (ants in a bog maybe?).
Peanut butter ice cream recipes aren't hard to find, but how to infuse the celery flavor? I don't want to cook it as I want the raw flavor so I can't use the usual infusion method. But I figure celery is mostly water; if I run it through the food processor it should break down into mush easily enough. And with supermarket celery I think it would have worked. CSA celery is different though, much more dense. I processed it with a little milk and just got a bowlful of celery shards.
Plan B: add all the milk and cream and process the celery until everything turns green and it's
So, the ice cream is ruined. I fish the solids out of what I suppose is now celery-colored skim milk and ponder what to do with them. Nobody wants celery-flavored butter so I'm going to have to get them apart. I can do something like distilation. Just like water and alcohol boil at different temperatures allowing their separation, butter and celery melt at different temperatures and that should let me separate them.
I want to use gentle heat so I put it in a double boiler. It works, sort of, but a lot of the milk solids
Here's the result.
Still not quite clear, but at least it isn't green. It does taste of celery so, hey, at least I finally managed to infuse some flavor. While it hardened in the refrigerator I considered what to do with it and came up with butter poaching. Looking at what I've got around the house to poach, I first thought of salmon, which isn't bad with celery, but I only found one proper butter-poached salmon recipe on the web and lots of butter-poached shellfish, so I'm going to go with the wisdom of crowds on this one.
I melted the butter back down, added a blorp of white wine, the juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper
Not bad at all. A hint of celery comes through in the sauce and works with its tart and rich flavors. The potatoes are creamy, the onions squish like they should and the shrimp are done just right and, with the lemon and butter sauce, are plenty tasty. All in all, a pretty good salvage job for a failed ice cream.
Haha, nice save!
But seriously, Celery Ice Cream?
Maybe a sorbet or shave ice of some kind though...
My wife is making some honey/lavender ice cream tonight. I could see lavender butter poached shrimp...
Celery gelato is popular in Italy, or so I read. But now that you mention it, sorbet would have been the way to go had I thought of it. Blend the celery with a couple bottles of Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray soda and a little vodka, cool, churn and there you go.
Honey/lavender sounds pretty good. Lavender butter shrimp I'm less sure about. I've been avoiding floral flavors since my first misadventure with lavender extract. Maybe it's time to pull it out of the back of the spice cabinet and try again.
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