Those standardized fillings are chicken, Chinese sausage and shiitake with the occasional addition of dried shrimp, peas and a few other things. I decided against the dried shrimp, but did include the peas and some water chestnuts.
I made two cups of rice. I don't have the right Chinese glutinous rice so I used half sushi and half risotto which I figured would get me in the right neighborhood. Most of the recipes suggested soaking the rice for an hour before cooking. They don't say why, but I soaked my oatmeal overnight last night to make it cook quicker this morning and found that it broke down a bit more when cooked than it would have otherwise. I presume I'm doing the same thing with the rice here.
I soaked and diced 6 small shiitake,
chopped up and marinated one chicken thigh in 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 Tablespoon rice wine and 1 teaspoon cornstarch,
chopped a garlic clove, a couple links of sausage and a handful of water chestnuts,
measured out a half cup or so of frozen peas,
and mixed 1 Tablespoon rice wine with 1 Tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 Tablespoon dark soy sauce, 1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch and 1 Tablespoon water.
Then, while the rice was cooking I heated a bit of oil in my wok, added the garlic and a moment
I set that and the rice aside to cool as I prepared my collard
For each, I put down about half cup of rice in the center of the leaft, patted it out fairly flat, added
After all that, it was time for some dinner. The last package looked the least stable so I decided that was the best choice to cook right away.
It held together somewhat, but my poor wrapping job kept the rice from compacting correctly. It's a bit messy but it tastes just like lo mai gai is supposed to so big success there. Another positive note is that the collard leaves are nicely cooked. Honestly, I found that very surprising. Collards are supposed to take a half hour of simmering to cook not 15 minutes of gentle steaming. But these were tender and not even particularly chewy. I found I could treat it like injera and tear off pieces to pick up bits of rice and filling. I fully expected to end up throwing out the leaves so it's a pleasant surprise to be able to have it as a full component of the dish unlike the dried lotus or banana leaves. On the other hand, you don't get that infused floral flavor the dried leaves give you, but it's a fair enough trade off. It's not quite traditional and it's certainly not conducive to good table manners but it tastes pretty good so what the heck.
For the record, those were exceptionally fresh and tender collard greens leaves - I set ours to cook in the traditional Southern style, expecting them to be tender in 2-3 hours, and they were done in 30 minutes. Kudos to the CSA box! but a cautionary note if you're trying this Lo Mai Gai with store-bought greens.
Hey, for all the trouble you had folding & tying them I think they look pretty darn good.
I'm glad you commented, Karen. I've found that occasionally something cooks in half or double the time it's supposed to with no obvious explanation. It's good to get confirmation that it's not just me screwing up and/or talking nonsense.
And Kat, compare these to those perfectly formed pyramids or cubes of wrapped rice held together with just two wraps of string you see in the better dim sum places. I used more lashings than a schooner ship and they're still misshapen lumps barely holding together. They still taste fine so I suppose it doesn't really matter in the end.
Looks great! I have a whole bag of glutinous rice that I didn't know what to do with so might just give this a shot!
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