Saturday, May 15, 2010

A question for bloggers

I know a lot of my readers (assuming anyone is still paying attention during this lull) are other food bloggers. If you're one of them, I've got a question for you.

In the last couple of weeks I've been e-mailed with come-ons by a couple websites looking to monetize my blog and a PR firm promoting a cooking demo at Macy's. That's more notice taken of me than I've seen in the entire rest of time I've been doing this thing. Have you all started getting these e-mails too or is it just me who's seen a sudden surge?

The only thing I did recently that could have suddenly put me on their radar is my participation in the Food and Garden Festival, but that was so low key I have a hard time believing that that's the case. If any of you have some insight into what's going on here, I'd be obliged if you could enlighten me.


  1. Is FoodBuzz one of them? If so, they are legit and all they want is to be the only people placing ads in your blog. You get paid by hits to pages with the ads. I haven't done it even though I'm on FoodBuzz but I have thought about it. I haven't taken the monetizing

  2. No clue, but please keep us posted on what you decide!

  3. Nope, haven't heard from FoodBuzz. They were Foodista and the ridiculously named VideoJug. Now that I've gone back and checked, I see that Foodista e-mailed me before the Festival so that explanation's out.

    I can't imagine anyone making money off this blog. I write about recipes more complicated than most people want to make using ingredients most people can't get. I only have eighty-some regular readers and get just over a thousand visitors a month. That's nothing.

  4. I think marketing and PR people google their products and see what comes up. I've had Sargento Cheese, some truffle company and others get in touch with me. I also have loads of web people trying to get me to use their services. Maybe it's all about the SEO?

    Who is the PR company, I might be interested in seeing what they are offering? Email me if you are so inclined, Bill, thanks.

  5. I get stuff quite often from people wanting to do things with my blog & recently it seems to have really picked up.

  6. I must have hit some visibility threshold and rose into their sphere of attention.

    The PR company was They do outreach to blogs and were either working for Macy's or Ming Tsai.

    I wish the future of targeted marketing that we've been promised (or threatened with depending on your perspective) would hurry up and arrive. I wouldn't mind offers from marketing folks nearly so much if they were for things I was actually interested in.

  7. Nope, haven't gotten any PR come-ons from anybody. Don't think I'm on anybody' radar, and I don't get much traffic most of the time. That's ok. I like talking to myself...
