Friday, October 12, 2007

Prelude to Ice Cream #2

Do you remember the Food Channel reality show last year following the Haagen-Dazs' contest to create their new feature flavor? The winning flavor was Sticky Toffee Pudding, which turned out OK if you've never had an actual sticky toffee pudding to compare it with. I had a couple of problems with the result, myself. First, that flavor's creator was a freelance food writer from New York city which kind of ruined the whole populist aspect of the contest. And second, taking something you usually put vanilla ice cream on top of and mixing it into the ice cream instead isn't a creative process that's going to lead to very interesting results.

By the way, when looking for the name of the contest (Perfect Scoop, I think), I stumbled across this year's results. The winner was Caramelized Pear and Toasted Pecan and the runners up were Blueberry Belgian Waffle and Coco y Cacao. None of those seem terribly interesting beyond the challenge of keeping the texture of the waffles recognizable. Of course, interesting me isn't the target they were aiming at, so its not too surprising that they missed it.

Haagen-Dazs also made a limited edition of the first runner up from last year, toasted coconut with sesame brittle, which was pretty good other than the particle-board texture from the toasted coconut. There's no way to get around that with toasted coconut, but I think you could make an infusion with raw coconut; I might try to make a coco y cacao that way.

This was all meant as an introduction to my reproduction of another of last year's runner-ups, but it's gone on a bit long. I think I'll rename this this and talk about that in a new post.

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